The impact of gratitude in the workplace

You'd be surprised about the positive outcomes!
Managers often strive to motivate their teams and create a positive working atmosphere. In this respect, gratitude is more than just a nice gesture: it encourages team spirit, boosts morale of collaborators and attracts the best talent. In this article, we'll explore how gratitude can be a powerful tool, not only to motivate and inspire your team, but also to make a lasting impact on your workplace. Read on to find out more about the power of gratitude and how it can help you develop a positive corporate culture.

The workplace is often filled with difficult situations: tight deadlines, demanding customers and increased competition. Yet there is a simple way to improve the well-being of collaborators: gratitude. Expressing gratitude in the workplace helps to reduce stress, burnout and negative emotions, while promoting better team dynamics and overall good humour.

Indeed, a culture of gratitude is one of the most powerful motivators. When collaborators feel valued and acknowledged, they are more likely to be engaged in their work and in their team. A sense of gratitude creates a positive feedback loop, in which collaborators feel appreciated for their contributions, leading to higher levels of engagement, which in turn leads to more opportunities to feel appreciated.

Moreover, the development of such a culture does not only have beneficial effects internally. It can result in greater customer satisfaction as well, because when employees feel valued and appreciated, they tend to be more committed and put more effort into delivering quality work, especially with customers.

As you have seen, gratitude can have a profound impact on the workplace. By cultivating a culture of gratitude, team leaders can create a more positive and successful work environment. Here are some ways for them to show gratitude:

  1. Communicate openly, through whatever means (social media, team meetings, etc.) the achievements of employees
  2. Tailor training plans or provide opportunities to develop in the areas they want.
  3. Simply take the time to get to know each person in your team, their personality, their way of working and their interests.
  4. Remind them that you are available to help them with projects if needed

Keep this few tips in mind and you’ll see that things will quickly go better within your team.

AGILIS has a lot of experience in the realisation of projects on the theme of 'cultural change'. We will be happy to explain to you in a video call how such a project is carried out and what return on investment you can achieve in your specific case and in how long.
Pierre Barmaverain
Pierre has been working as a strategy and change management consultant at AGILIS since 2021. He holds a Master in Management with modules in strategy, marketing and innovation & entrepreneurship. He also has strong analytical skills and experience as a facilitator and trainer.